Matthew 7:24-25
Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
This week, the Spirit of God has been teaching me about foundations; from the angle of why godly things are never in a hurry or done hurriedly. Every man you see that is lifted by God is a man that spent with God in a hidden place away from the glare of spectators. Before David was anointed king of Israel, he spent with God in the wilderness and some few sheep. Before Jesus was anointed, He spent with God in the wilderness where He was tested by the Devil. Before Abraham was blessed with Isaac, he walked with God for years.
Before God builds you up, He must labour on laying your foundation. There is no need to build a very beautiful house that cannot stand the slightest push by wind and storms. The foundation of a house is more important than the house that is build upon it.
David asks, "If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? (Ps 11:3)" This means that, a righteous man on a bad or faulty foundation is no better than a wicked man. Building a foundation involves digging; until you hit a solid firm ground. In places where the soil is loose, you have to dig so deep, before you can start building up. They say that the higher the building is set to go, the deeper the foundation you're expected to dig.
With our walk with God, at some point you may look like you are digging instead of building up, but that should not always worry you, because you may be laying the foundation. It is like a seed and planting. Any farmer that wants to plant must be ready to dig holes first. Now, digging of holes may look contrary to what is expected. Because the harvest is mostly above the ground. But for you to have any harvest above the ground, you will need to dig and plant something below the ground.
Until the finishing touches of the building are being done, a glance at what is being built may throw you off. This is the situation with many people that God is working on, many times in the early stages, all they have is a big dream which you can laugh at and scoff at, more so looking at the and comparing what they are saying with where they currently are. But, if they are patient with God, if they don't lose focus and faith, the beautification season will come. The word of God says, "He makes everything beautiful in His time (Ecc 3:11)".
In our desire to hurry things up, and hasten the process to our season of beautification, many mess up. But blessed are those who wait for His time. Because whatever is done in His time is permanent. It is possible for God to pull up and out faulty foundations. If the one being built was to allow it and submit themselves into His making. Some of us are building that cannot hold, because we look very beautiful, from without, but our foundation was not well done, sometimes not even done at all.
Jesus gave a parable of two builders; one builder build his house on a rock (on a foundation) the other build his house on sand (they didn't bother with the foundation). The rains, the floods and the wind blew came and that is when the difference between the two houses was seen. You cannot tell the difference between our lives until challenges arrive.
Some families look so nice, until they meet challenges. Some relationships look like the real deal until they have to deal with a storm. Some businesses look like God-given ideas, until the wind blows. It is tough times that distinguish between, men and boys. You cannot know what kind of foundation you're on until challenges start coming. Many people can abandon faith in the twinkling of an eye, if they faced challenges and the devil offered a easy way out.
I always say that most of the preacher's you've seen preaching wrong doctrines, started so well. The zeal was there, the fire was there, may be even the calling and the anointing, but the foundation was wrong. It is possible to be anointing but still stand on a faulty foundation. And many have been anointed but messed up because the foundation was done hurriedly or was not done at all. King Saul is one very good such example. He was anointed, he even prophesied with the prophets, but he was built on a faulty foundation. When the storm came, he fell with a great thud.
We are meant to be built on the foundation of apostles and prophets, with Jesus Christ as the corner stone. Apostles represent doctrine while prophets represent direction. What determines your foundation therefore is the doctrine under which you are and the direction towards your destiny also known as "your mandate". If my of these is messed up, then, everything else will be messed up. But if Both these are well done, well known and well defined, the Jesus is made the cornerstone, whatever is built upon such foundation will stand every test of time. Be it a family, be it a business or life and livelihood, etc, making Jesus the cornerstone means making Jesus the reason for the season, and these three: mandate, doctrine and Christ, make the immovable foundation of all things.
But if the foundation be destroyed, if the foundation be faulty, if the foundation be messed up from the word go, what would the righteous do? Let me answer you, "The righteous will fail, the righteous will fall, the righteous will not stand". But if the foundation be good, if the foundation be well laid, if the foundation be the best, what will the righteous do? The righteous will, stand, thrive and prevail, they will be established and beautified, they will stand every wind, every storm, every rain and every calamity. Do not be in a hurry to be built, unless you're sure your foundation is apostolic, prophetic and Christ centered.
May God bless you, may God keep you, may God lift you higher than I am.