Genesis 2:25
"And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed."
Every time I read Genesis chapter two and specifically verse 24 & 25, I see something new that I had never seen before! Like this time, I looked at naked Adam and naked Even and thought of how light it must have felt for them being so. Have you ever thought of how heavy clothes are? Have you ever spent some time indoors, all alone (may be) naked and felt how free it is to be be so without the constraints of clothes.
After the fall of man, the first burden they had to carry was body covering; clothes. Sin is called a burden, right? It is called so because of the weight it places on your conscience and to your spiritual man. However, remember the spiritual will always manifest in the physical eventually. The invisible spiritual burden that Adam and Eve were carrying from within soon manifested in them having the need to carry leaves around to cover their nakedness and graduated to the need of God making them clothes out of animal skin.
As generations come and go, each generation has tried to make this burden easier by making it lighter. Leaves and twigs were quite heavy, animal skins ... Same story. Then came woven garments, and then making them as light as possible. But that's not the end, we are also still moving in the direction of being as naked as possible; look at the dress code of mostly our women! You know, since Eve being the first to eat the fruit in the Garden of Eden, women have been the first to try all things, while men watch and when they see no reaction, they also dive in (lol). It will therefore not be a wonder if men in days not so far, who have been pointing fingers at how more naked and more naked women are becoming, also start walking around exposing skin.
That was not my point for today, from Genesis 2:25, I see people who came into marriage carrying no luggage, no burdens, with nothing to hide.
Any relationship that needs you to hide some things and to lie is not a relationship that should lead to marriage. Whatever you are hiding is a burden you are carrying, it may be invisible but it will soon manifest in the flesh. Your spirit man will always affect, effect and infect your physical man. So, the best thing is to make sure you are marrying light ... As light as possible.
I know we have always been admonished to marry right, you know, marry the right partner. But have you ever been told that you also need to marry light? Have you been told that you need to marry with as little burdens as possible or none at all? In Hebrews 12:1, says, seeing we are surrounded by witnesses, let us lay aside every burden and sin that so much beset us and run the race set before us. With burdens, you cannot run a race.
I have seen relationships that were based on a lie or a fake lifestyle. When someone creates an image of larger than life for themselves and a partner gets attracted to this. People that lie a lot are people who have a lot of covering up to do, that means layers upon layers of garments upon their body. This curtails even your promotion in the matters of God and ministry.
There are people who are trying to do everything they can in the kingdom of God, trying to graduate fast through the ranks, but, because of all the garments they are wearing, it is practically impossible. Why? Because the closer you get to God, the more naked you become. Our God is a consuming fire, but He does not consume His children, He consumes what is on them, that is not of Him. He created Adam and Eve without clothes, because they were so close to Him, clothes could not stand the heat. But the further and further Adam and Eve got away from God, the more they needed to cover up and guard themselves from cold.
The more a relationship gets deeper into what God has ordained it to be, the more naked those in it become, to Him first and to one another. You know you started on the wrong foot, if the very first thing you need to do is to create some false hope.
It is not wrong or sinful to declare where you are going, for instance, to declare that I believe I will become this and that, but it is wrong, sinful, evil, and building on a wrong foundation to make it look like you are already there, when you are nowhere near there.
Furthermore, a woman that loves you because of where you are does not actually love you, but a woman that loves you because of where you are going and headed is one that really loves you. A man that thinks he can influence how you think about them based on what they currently have is also saying silently that, "Lady, you can be bought. It all depends on how much I have." He is actually placing a bid on you and checking to see how much you can be bought at.
This is why many men are so insecure! Because most think, the ladies they are with are with them based on the image they portray and so, if another comes and portrays a better image then, it is a gone deal! This is because they are wearing too many garments, they are carrying too much burden and this is a race! A race to get the lady! Look at the athletes in a race. Which of them would come to run in a blanket or a duvet? The difference between the birds that fly and flightless birds is their body weight compared to their wings. As long as the body is heavier than the wings can lift, the bird will need to learn walking and forget about flying.
We are in a generation where people date for years and divorce months after the wedding! Why? Because, dating season is full of faking. A man will take a loan to take you out, and then be left struggling to pay it back. A lady will come wearing kilograms of makeup, if it rains, they are doomed. A man will pledge how they can take care of a girl, yet they currently are literally on life support. A lady will say they love you, but what they mean is that, "you are my ticket out of whatever I am in". Yet, whatever they think is their ticket out is just but a fallacy! Now, on getting into the marriage, all clothes come off, they both stand naked and all is laid bare and non can stand the other.
If we are to build stronger marriages and stronger relationships, we have to be ready to walk into them naked. And this issue of thinking that the longer you date a person the more you know about them is a lie. Actually, the more you date a person, the more you get used to each other and start looking at each other as if you are already married. Dating long is actually equivalent to marrying with an option of quitting at any time. The best option is not to date long, the best option is to be in a relationship with a person who is not afraid of you seeing them naked.
A person that can tell you I am struggling with my rent, but my friend gave me some money with which I can take you out and I will pay them later. And a lady that can ask you how now that you took a loan to take them out yet you're struggling with rent, how you intend to cover all that up. Who can tell you, use that money to pay your rent instead of taking me out and I will still love you. A lady that can ask you where are you in your steps towards a great future, because she knows where you are going is where she want to be and she wants you there faster. If we can get ladies that are ready to become managers and directors of men's dreams, and men who are naked enough to allow themselves to be managed and incubated, we'd have very strong relationships. But instead, most ladies want ready made men and men want women who'll respect them based on what they've made themselves but have no part in it except consuming it. LORD help us!
May God bless you and Keep you, may God lift you higher than I am. Shalom and keep the faith.