2 Kings 7:2
"The officer assisting the king said to the man of God, “That couldn’t happen even if the LORD opened the windows of heaven!” But Elisha replied, “You will see it happen with your own eyes, but you won’t be able to eat any of it!” [NLT]
When many people hear about angelic encounters, visitations and deliverances, they picture a man in a white robe standing in your room or in the middle of the road or anywhere and speaking in strange deep voice. Well, that may or may not happen, may or may not be true. Most angelic encounters in the bible were normal meetings and some even thought they were talking to fellow men until the angels introduced themselves as such. Picture when Mary met angel Gabriel, the angel had to tell her who he was. When the wife of Manoah, mother of Samson met the angel, she and her husband thought it was just but a stranger. They even offered him food, but instead of eating, he pointed at it with his finger and fire burnt it and he disappeared. That is when Manoah realized he had seen God face to face!
The angels that visited Abraham, they looked like men. The angels that met Jacob before he wrestled with another, they looked like men, but the Bible says, "He perceived they were angels". Without the ability to perceive, angels to any man will look like just strangers that you've never met.
But God sends angels for deliverance and to do what is practically impossible with your current circle of acquitances or friends, alliances or support. When you reach a place where all your options cannot avail much, then God will send angels. God had to send angels to Abraham, because Sarah was way beyond menopause! No doctor or wisdom could treat her back into fertility. God sent angels to Mary because there is no way a woman can give birth without a man's seed. I don't need to mention that Manoah's wife, and Elizabeth were barren. And so on and so forth, whenever you reach a point where the voice you hear says, "Even if God opens up the floodgates of heaven, this cannot happen!" Then, there! You are ready for an angelic visitation if you believe. But if you doubt and despise and give up, you'll see the salvation, but you don't partake of it.
Do not be the one saying, "Even if God opens the floodgates of heaven this cannot be", be the one saying, "This can only be, if God opens up the floodgates of heaven!" This is the declaration that leads to angelic visatation and angelic deliverance. When you reach a point and know that what you are asking for, what you need can only happen if and only if, God opens the floodgates of heaven and angels come through!
When the children of Israel asked for meat in the wilderness, it looked pretty impossible. How was God going to feed close to a million people with meat? Moses tells God, "Without counting women, I have 600,000, footmen, counting only those, how many animals do we need to kill to feed them with meat?" God tells Moses, "I will not just feed everybody with meat for one day or one week, I will feed them for a whole month. I will not only feed them, they will eat it until it comes out of their nostrils! (Num 11:20)"
I don't know if you have ever been faced with a situation and no matter what you try to think, nothing shows you a way out. As I write this, I am currently looking at a bill that must be cleared by the 10th of this month (March 2025) of Kes. 55,000. As I was looking at it, I could hear the king's aids voice over my shoulder saying, "There is nothing you can do, no one you can call that can help you out of this!" I even started looking at what I could sell if I needed to sell something off and couldn't find anything; much of what I have is either ministry property or family property!
Many of you who have been following me also know that I have a multi-million Kenyan shillings project that is already rolling and it's ground breaking will be soon. The Spirit of God is daily telling me how easily everything will be achieveable, but there is that voice that is always saying, "Even if we slaughtered all the animals we can get, we still cannot feed this many people!"
The biggest ministry support I've ever received in one envelope was Kes.68,000 (Approximately 527 USD). That was back in 2019 and it has not recurred or occured again. With it we bought the church drums set at about Kes. 40,000 and an extra speaker at about Kes.25,000. So, looking at history, it is possible for a carnal mind to ask, "Nesh, even if God brought back such a ministry supporter, do you see the possibility of building a multi-million Sanctuary?"
But I know that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above what I can think or imagine (Eph 3:20). It is possible to doubt and despise what God can do by looking at your ability, or the levels you've operated at in the past, but when you look at God's ability, you will understand that with God, Nothing shall be impossible.
I think the wisdom is understanding when God is speaking and when a man is desiring. When a man desires to do something, then, it is possible to miss the mark and there are a lot of impossibilities in place and hurdles along the way that need to be jumped. But when God speaks and has placed His hand upon a man, then every valley is filled up, every mountain is lowered, every crooked way is straightened and what looked like a desert soon becomes productive with streams and brooks of water.
In the year 2011-2012, I had just started my family. I had no job and all I was doing was helping in church. I think even my new wife must have started getting a distorted picture out of the perfect picture of me she might have processed. We had a newborn and I had bills to pay, house rent and feeding my young family. The church I was helping was either not strong enough to appreciate me, or they just couldn't or they didn't care or may be they thought I was doing well on my own.
I had not paid rent and the landlady was calling frantically! I had just gotten a phone from my pastor then, with which I could access Facebook and as I was scrolling through the inbox, I saw one message that said something like, "I've been reading your posts on Facebook and I feel moved to support you. Can you share with me your personal monthly bill so that I see what I can do?" Now, this is a person that I had never met, I had never even seen their comments or likes on what I post and even after that I never met them until later on when her niece told me she had passed on after an unsuccessful surgery to treat a goitre. But from that month on, she promptly always sent me some money to pay my rent with and feed my young family (The monthly bill back then wasn't much compared to now, but was a burden considering my level back then), without fail, delay, being pressured or reminded, for a whole year!
There are so many people who have a problem, a phobia, sometimes even paranoia when it comes to dealing with strangers! In my line of online ministry since 2011, I have met with many such people. Who when they receive my messages, they ask, "Who are you? How did you get my number?" And if they do not know me, they block me; even after I've explained where, how and when I got their number.
However, in my case, any new number, any strange contact to me is an open door. I have been supported more by people who have never met me, never seen me, just interacted with my writtings, than I have been supported by people who have met me. Actually, most supporters who started before they met me, the day they meet me, kinda draw back or withdraw all together. Why? I don't know, but I think there is a very big image of Pastor Nesh out there, which is not printable in real life and when people see the David that killed Goliath, they think that Samuel made a mistake anointing him.
I entertain strangers because scriptures tell me that that is how many have entertained angels without knowing. Until God proves to me otherwise, I strongly believe up to now, that that lady that paid my bill in the year 2011 and 2012, was an angel. And a few others that have been sent for particular seasons when I was stuck and immediately I got unstuck, they left; without us ever meeting face to face! How else can you explain such encounters, except that they are angelic visitations or deliverances. So far, I have had about 3 or 4 such experiences. People who appear out of nowhere in my timelines, many times when I am stuck and helpless, help me out for a season, sometimes for months or even a year and then disappear; never to see them again. Some I have even tried searching through the social media platforms which we met, and I can't find them! Their numbers disconnected, their social media accounts closed or discontinued, their names not available anymore!
How can this be? How else can this be explained? I only find one explanation, angelic intervention, angelic deliverance!
Now, when I am faced with a situation like I am in right now, be it with my personal life or with ministry, I remember that God has saved me before and He is able to save me again and again and again! When I look at the people I know and everything tells me that they either can't help or will not be willing to help, I remember that God has used strangers to help me out more often than He has used acquaintances and close allies. The four lepers that God used to overturn the draught situation in Samaria, were unknown! Up to date, nobody knows their names! They were strangers! They were outside the city, they were outcasts!
Many of us like to lean on the people we know. We place our confidence on a few relatives who can help. But a time comes when those you know cannot help and the only one that can help is a stranger. Jesus talked about a man that was beaten up by thugs and left for the dead. Priests and scribes couldn't save him. But a stranger from Samaria not only saved him but did more than saving him.
May God send you a stranger that will help you more than your acquitances. May God send you angels disguised as strangers. May you not miss your angel due to paranoia, fear or pride. May God bless you and keep you and lift you higher than I am. Shalom and keep the faith.