WoW Sanctuary's church land Dedication day.
Happy New Week, thank you for always being part of the little things I do for the kingdom and the glory of God. This Saturday I am taking yet another "baby step" towards the realization of "The WoW Sanctuary Vision". And I would love you to be part of it by praying for it and if you can, by enjoining yourself with it by supporting it materially or financially. We will be dedicating the land upon which The WoW Sanctuary, will one day stand tall, majestic and praiseworthy. Be part of this journey, be part of this ministry, be part of what God is doing in this generation. Visit our website to get detail on how to support and donate or just simply contact me via any inbox of your choice. May God bless you, keep you and lift you higher than I am. ~Pastor Nesh | Lead Pastor at The WoW Sanctuary, Nairobi, Kenya.